New Ways to Wear a Tie with Jeans

It has become increasingly accepted and popular in recent years to wear a tie with jeans. It’s a bit of a mix of high and low that can work very well in your favor.

However, such a combination involves putting together two pieces that are generally considered to be from different areas of the fashion world.

Can you wear a shirt with jeans?

Strictly speaking, it is physically possible to wear jeans with a shirt and tie. However, just because you can do something doesn’t necessarily mean it’s advisable. But like everything, there is a time and a place.

Men’s jeans with a shirt, tie, and blue blazer are a kind of uniform – and they’re perfect for serious creatives, actors, writers, fashion editors, and designers.

You may not overturn the conventional wisdom about art and pop culture, but you can learn a thing or two about wearing jeans with a shirt and tie by taking inspiration from how famous artists take it. Here are our tips on how to wear a shirt with jeans.

See how to wear a tie with a sweater 

The first thing to recognize is that pairing jeans with a men’s shirt and tie makes the outfit look much more casual.

This look is a more casual approach to dressing than wearing a shirt and tie with a suit. But it’s also more casual than pairing a shirt and tie with men’s khaki pants.

You are pushing the tie outside of the context in which it is typically worn and has meaning.

Why wear a tie with jeans? 

Artists have it easy. As a successful artist, you are completely responsible for your lifestyle and have the freedom to dress however you want.

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You don’t wear jeans with a shirt and tie to the office, and we don’t suggest you do either. Wear jeans with a shirt and tie if you want. If you want to wear jeans with a shirt and tie, you need to think about how each of its elements can harmonize with the other.

How to harmonize them?

Sainly suggests that The jeans must be blue, darker, and free from any damage, embellishment, or other marks. A dark blue straight-leg jean for men is the closest thing to a dress jean, and they’re precisely the type of jean you should wear as part of this look.


For the shirt, opt for a more casual model. We prefer white Oxford fabric shirts with classic button-down collars.

A men’s Oxford shirt with a button-down, spread, or pointed collar may work for this look, but also look for patterns and colors that make the shirt more casual and therefore more adaptable to jeans.

Patterns like checks or stripes can work, as can colors like powder blue and pink. Also, pay attention to the “shininess” of the shirt. A shirt in a more finely woven fabric like a broadcloth tends to have a tighter weave that looks more formal and even a little shiny. 

When wearing your dress shirts with jeans, avoid these thinner fabrics and look for fabrics with a more open weave like Oxford fabric.

The tie

Finally, we come to the tie itself. As with the shirt, some ties are more casual than others, and you’ll want to look for them. At the very bottom of the formality scale are knit ties, which pair perfectly with oxford shirts and jeans.

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A little higher on the scale are repp-style ties, which have a preppy connotation that naturally lends them to a more sloppy, slightly rumpled aesthetic.

As with the shirt, avoid anything that looks too tight or too shiny, as these qualities place ties at the more formal end of the spectrum. And if you’re looking for a patterned tie, choose a large-scale pattern rather than a small-scale one.

With these tips in mind, you’ll become a master of the elusive jeans, shirt, and tie combination in no time.

 A story of cohesion

 The main thing that can go wrong when you wear a tie with jeans is that you’ll look like you’ve pinned two looks from different worlds together. The risk is that you look extremely ” business ” on the top and very casual on the bottom half.

If high and low blends sometimes go together, chances are it won’t work in your favor, which is why you need to think about creating cohesion between the two pieces.

Color matters

In this sense, you can wear a light blue tie, which will go with the color of the jeans (of course, 

For example, you can opt for a yellow tie to contrast with the dark blue color of the jeans.

The fabrics make the outfit

When creating a tie and jeans combo, you need to keep in mind that denim doesn’t go with extremely fine fabrics like silk.

That’s why, when wearing jeans, it’s best to choose a tie made from a more casual fabric, rather than one like silk. Keep your shine to a minimum and opt for a fabric mix that goes well and you’re almost set.

The tie–jeans style

Last, but not least, when wearing a tie with jeans, it is always important to choose not only a tie color and fabric that goes with the jeans but also an overall style.

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For example, a striped office tie may be too dressy for jeans, but a more casual, fun, or even quirky tie will work better. In this sense, you can even consider wearing a knitted tie (with a square tip) which will visually connect the two worlds.

As a side note, we recommend wearing a dressier jacket rather than a very casual jacket with such a combo. A dinner jacket can be too dressy, but a simple sports jacket or blazer will go well with a tie and jeans.

Today, men need to wear outfits that transition from one setting to another, and wearing a tie with jeans is a great way to ensure you’ll look good at a casual brunch as well at work than at an evening garden party.


Wearing a tie with jeans offers a versatile yet stylish option for modern men, bridging the gap between casual and formal wear.

By carefully selecting complementary colors, fabrics, and styles, one can achieve a cohesive and fashionable look suitable for various occasions, from work to social gatherings. Embrace this trend for effortless and adaptable attire.


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