
FULL OF DESIRE (FOD): Celebrating the Fluidity and Diversity of Human Sexuality through Lingerie

FULL OF DESIRE, also known as FOD, is not just a lingerie brand; it is a celebration of the human body and sexuality. Rooted in Vienna’s vibrant subcultural art scene, FOD’s genderless lingerie transcends traditional boundaries, embracing the fluidity and diversity of life. By offering designs that cater to everyone, regardless of gender, FOD encourages self-expression and identity exploration through the intimate language of lingerie.

FULL OF DESIRE (FOD): Celebrating the Fluidity and Diversity of Human Sexuality through Lingerie

A Unique Concept: Genderless Lingerie

FOD’s philosophy is built on the premise that lingerie should not be confined by the rigid categories of man or woman. Instead, it should be an expression of personal identity and desire. The brand’s collection reflects this belief, featuring pieces that are as diverse as the people who wear them.

Thoughtful Design and Comfortable Fabrics

Each piece of lingerie from FOD is thoughtfully designed in Vienna and produced in Mexico, ensuring a blend of European creativity and Latin American craftsmanship. The fabrics used, such as elastane and lace, are chosen for their gentle touch and comfort. These materials not only caress the skin but also accentuate the body’s natural curves and contours, providing a perfect fit for various shapes and sizes. This commitment to comfort and elegance is evident in every piece, making FOD a standout in the lingerie market.

FULL OF DESIRE (FOD): Celebrating the Fluidity and Diversity of Human Sexuality through Lingerie

A Variety of Styles and Sizes

FOD offers a wide range of styles and sizes to suit different tastes and moods. Whether you are looking for something romantic and delicate or bold and daring, FOD has something for everyone. Their collections are designed to be inclusive, catering to a diverse clientele who value self-expression and individuality. This variety ensures that every customer can find something that resonates with their personal style and identity.

The FOD Customer: Confident, Diverse, and Authentic

FULL OF DESIRE (FOD): Celebrating the Fluidity and Diversity of Human Sexuality through Lingerie

FOD’s customers are people who are unafraid to explore their sexuality and identity. They are individuals who value authenticity, diversity, and inclusion. They seek to express themselves confidently and break free from societal expectations and labels. FOD empowers them to do so by providing lingerie that is not just clothing but a form of self-expression and celebration of their unique selves.


Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion

The brand’s ethos is encapsulated in their mission statement: “We believe that everyone deserves to feel comfortable, confident, and beautiful in their own skin. We believe that lingerie is not just a piece of clothing, but a way of expressing oneself and celebrating one’s sexuality. We believe that there is no one right way to be a man, a woman, or anything in between. We believe that diversity is a gift and a strength, not a problem or a weakness.”

FULL OF DESIRE (FOD): Celebrating the Fluidity and Diversity of Human Sexuality through Lingerie

This powerful message resonates with a wide audience, especially those who have felt marginalized or misunderstood. FOD’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is not just a marketing slogan but a core value that permeates every aspect of the brand.

Behind FOD: A Personal Journey of Self-Expression and Empowerment

The story of FOD is deeply personal and rooted in the journeys of its founders, Henrique Spotorno and Guillermo Seis. Both immigrants from Latin America, Henrique and Guillermo moved to Austria in search of a brighter future. Their experiences and struggles have shaped the ethos of FOD.

Guillermo’s Journey of Self-Discovery

The seed of FOD was planted in Guillermo’s heart during a personal journey of sexual exploration and identity. He recalls a pivotal moment with his therapist when he questioned his true identity: “During a session with my therapist, I questioned my identity. Was I being true to myself, or was I wearing a mask to fit societal norms and expectations? As a queer guy, I decided to embrace my authentic self and express it to the world. During this journey, when I was shopping for women’s clothes, I realized that there was a scarcity of choices for people like me who wanted something elegant, romantic, and feminine. Most of the choices were harsh and rough, but nothing soft and delicate.”

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FULL OF DESIRE (FOD): Celebrating the Fluidity and Diversity of Human Sexuality through Lingerie

This realization sparked the creation of FOD, a brand that offers elegant and romantic lingerie for everyone, regardless of gender. Guillermo’s journey of self-discovery and empowerment is at the heart of FOD’s mission to provide inclusive and beautiful lingerie.

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Opportunities

The journey to establish FOD has not been without challenges. Henrique and Guillermo faced numerous obstacles, including accessing formal business loans, navigating local business regulations, and dealing with stigma and discrimination. Despite these hurdles, they remained steadfast in their vision and mission.

Their perseverance is paying off as they see a growing demand and interest in their products and philosophy. Younger, more progressive generations are particularly drawn to FOD’s inclusive approach. This demographic shift presents opportunities for growth and innovation, both locally and globally.

FULL OF DESIRE (FOD): Celebrating the Fluidity and Diversity of Human Sexuality through Lingerie

Making a Difference and Inspiring Others

Henrique and Guillermo see FOD as more than just a lingerie brand. It is a movement, a community, and a way of life. By honoring the diversity and beauty of the human body and sexuality, FOD aims to inspire others to embrace their true selves. They believe in creating a more inclusive and compassionate world where everyone can express their identity freely and confidently.

FULL OF DESIRE (FOD): Celebrating the Fluidity and Diversity of Human Sexuality through Lingerie

The Future of FOD: Expanding Horizons and Impact

As FOD continues to grow, Henrique and Guillermo are exploring new ways to expand their market and reach new customers. They see immense potential in tapping into global markets and introducing their unique brand of genderless lingerie to a broader audience.

Innovations and New Collections

FOD is constantly innovating and introducing new collections that push the boundaries of traditional lingerie. Their designs are influenced by the subcultural art scene of Vienna, ensuring that each piece is not only beautiful but also a work of art. This creative approach keeps the brand fresh and exciting, attracting new customers while retaining loyal ones.

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FULL OF DESIRE (FOD): Celebrating the Fluidity and Diversity of Human Sexuality through Lingerie

Community Engagement and Advocacy

FOD is committed to engaging with their community and advocating for diversity and inclusion. They participate in various events and initiatives that promote these values, further solidifying their position as a brand that cares about more than just selling products. This engagement helps build a strong, supportive community around FOD, creating a sense of belonging for their customers.

Conclusion: FOD’s Mission to Celebrate and Empower

FULL OF DESIRE (FOD): Celebrating the Fluidity and Diversity of Human Sexuality through Lingerie

In a world where societal expectations and rigid categories often dictate how we should express our identities, FULL OF DESIRE stands out as a beacon of inclusivity and self-expression. By offering genderless lingerie that embraces the fluidity and diversity of life, FOD invites everyone to celebrate their bodies and sexuality.

Henrique Spotorno and Guillermo Seis have created more than just a lingerie brand; they have fostered a movement that honors the diversity and beauty of the human experience. FOD’s commitment to comfort, elegance, and authenticity resonates with a growing audience who values self-expression and individuality.

FULL OF DESIRE (FOD): Celebrating the Fluidity and Diversity of Human Sexuality through Lingerie

As FOD continues to grow and evolve, their mission remains clear: to make everyone feel comfortable, confident, and beautiful in their own skin. They believe in a world where lingerie is not just a piece of clothing but a powerful tool for self-expression and celebration. Through their designs, FOD is creating a more inclusive and compassionate world, one piece of lingerie at a time.

FULL OF DESIRE (FOD): Celebrating the Fluidity and Diversity of Human Sexuality through Lingerie

To learn more about FULL OF DESIRE and their products, visit their website at www.wearefullofdesire.com or follow them on Instagram at @wearefullofdesire. Join the movement and celebrate your body and sexuality with FOD, where desire knows no boundaries.



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