Essentials, men's fashion, style

Clothing Etiquette: Dressing Well for Men

From the glamour of the Golden Globes to the big runway of fashion statements, the MET Gala, men have long been showcasing their dashing looks. Some may be old-fashioned, as they go for the more traditional look of black and white. While others go for a more daring look, exhibiting their boldness every opportunity they […]

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Traditional vs Modern Slot Machines

When you spin a slot, you can feel as though you have entered a personal battle with a machine. You can find yourself second-guessing what the slot’s next move will be and when it is likely to spin a win. Even bonus rounds that involve you picking a symbol to see how many free spins […]

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The Proper Way Of Wearing Socks With Bold Designs

When people think of socks, they will typically think they are limited to wearing the generic black or white socks, and this can be very boring. If you wear socks that have some nice color and bold design, this can be a great way to set you apart from the rest. This is ideal if […]

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5 Advantages of Using and Buying Cruelty-free Products

Millions of animals are harmed or killed just so companies can make a bigger profit and consumers can get their hands on the latest trendy items. In cosmetics, it is unfortunate that there are already alternatives to animal testing, but companies still choose to test on animals because it’s cheaper. However, in apparel and accessories, […]

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Essentials, Face

7 Ways Any Man Can Improve His Appearance

Physical self-improvement for men is an all too commonly over-look area often regarded as irrelevant or superficially. However, the acts of self-care and improving one’s appearance have been found to hold great mental health benefits.   Here is a list of the top 7 tips that can help anyone become the best version of themselves. 1. […]

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