
If You Can’t Afford Sustainable Apparel, Here’s What You Can Do

If you can’t afford sustainable apparel, there are still a few things you can do to reduce your impact on the environment and promote sustainable practices. As a culture, we throw away a lot of clothes. A shocking 85 percent of new textiles generated each year are sent to landfills or incinerated, according to estimates by […]

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Essentials, Fancy

Should You Wear a Three Piece Suit to a Wedding?

Among many other ceremonies, weddings are the most beloved. The solemnity of this event is emphasized not only by the huge number of flowers and the delightful bride and groom but also by smartly dressed guests. It is not acceptable to go to nuptials in casual clothes, because this belittles the significance of the event. […]

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Essentials, men's fashion, style

Clothing Etiquette: Dressing Well for Men

From the glamour of the Golden Globes to the big runway of fashion statements, the MET Gala, men have long been showcasing their dashing looks. Some may be old-fashioned, as they go for the more traditional look of black and white. While others go for a more daring look, exhibiting their boldness every opportunity they […]

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