Discovering Fresh Talent: Meet Art Belenov, the 25-Year-Old Model Taking Instagram by Storm

Discovering Fresh Talent/ Meet Art Belenov, the 25-Year-Old Model Taking Instagram by Storm

In the ever-evolving world of modeling, fresh faces continue to captivate the industry and social media alike. One such rising star is 25-year-old Art Belenov, a US-based model who is quickly making a name for himself on Instagram as @belenartik. With his striking features, dedication, and impressive collaborations with renowned photographers like Vladimir Snezhin and Dmitry Maximov, Art is not only turning heads but also proving himself to be a versatile talent.

Discovering Fresh Talent/ Meet Art Belenov, the 25-Year-Old Model Taking Instagram by Storm

As we delve into his journey, it’s clear that this new face alert is one to watch in the modeling world.

Let’s check out some basic stats:

Birthplace – Moscow, Russia
Age – 25
Height – 193 cm (6’3”)
Eyes – Blue
Agency – None (unsigned)

How were you discovered?

The first time I tried modeling was when I was 17. I saw the works of Vladimir Snezhin online, and reached out to him asking if we could shoot together. He agreed to meet and collab and that’s how I had my first shoot.

Discovering Fresh Talent/ Meet Art Belenov, the 25-Year-Old Model Taking Instagram by Storm

Your photos are stunning. How was your experience working with renowned photographers Vladimir Snezhin and Dmitry Maximov in Moscow?

Thank you. My photoshoots with Vladimir Snezhin and Dmitry Maximov were the first two shoots I’ve done as a teenager. I was still only 17 when we worked with Vladimir Snezhin, and I was a very insecure guy with little confidence, but Vladimir was absolutely fantastic: super patient with me, gave me great directions that I desperately needed as a beginner, and made me feel very comfortable. I loved every second of the experience and started seeking more opportunities to shoot. Luckily, a year or two after, I got an opportunity to work with Dmitry Maximov, which gave me invaluable experience and was a turning point in my modeling career. Not only was it the shoot that made me noticed more broadly and allowed for further collaborations internationally, but also provided a completely new experience for me as a model. Dima’s style is very different from Vladimir’s: our concept involved much less free motion, but rather focused on more choreographed movement and often required maintaining a difficult position for a prolonged period of time. It was a very long shoot that pushed me to my limits and made me a better model.

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Discovering Fresh Talent/ Meet Art Belenov, the 25-Year-Old Model Taking Instagram by Storm

Art, you’ve started building your Instagram account as @belenartik. Do you see social media as a tool to help you in your modeling career?

First and foremost, social media helps me stay engaged with the audience and keep up with all the wonderful work happening in the industry.

Discovering Fresh Talent/ Meet Art Belenov, the 25-Year-Old Model Taking Instagram by Storm

You seem to enjoy swimming. Tell us about your involvement in the sport.

Yes, swimming is my passion and it’s hard for me to imagine my life without it. I was a high-profile swimmer at the youth level back in Moscow, and was able to earn a scholarship to attend a university in the United States to represent their swim team. Now, after my graduation, I am still actively practicing and trying to compete at a high level. 

Discovering Fresh Talent/ Meet Art Belenov, the 25-Year-Old Model Taking Instagram by Storm

How do you balance your modeling career and personal life?

It is very difficult to balance for me, as I am a full-time graduate student, which makes finding time to travel for modeling challenging. However, I try to stay connected with the photographers and seize my opportunity to shoot any time we can. 

Discovering Fresh Talent/ Meet Art Belenov, the 25-Year-Old Model Taking Instagram by Storm

Art, are you a music fan? If so, what are your go-to tunes? Also, what’s the latest film you’ve watched that left an impression on you?

I am very much an eclectic music lover. I don’t have a specific genre that I prefer over the other ones. My playlist is a wide mix of music styles, and what I listen to depends on my mood at the given day. The latest thing I listened was the new album by Billie Eilish called “Hit Me Hard and Soft”. Here is the link:

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Discovering Fresh Talent/ Meet Art Belenov, the 25-Year-Old Model Taking Instagram by Storm

Your work with Hard Cider turned out great! What was it like working on that project?

Working with Hard Cider was absolutely fantastic. We had an amazing time shooting the story over two days and developed a great chemistry, which I think shows in the pictures. He is an exceptional photographer and a fantastic person, and I am extremely grateful for getting an opportunity to work with him.  

How do you keep yourself fit and ready for photoshoots?

I am still swimming competitively, which automatically keeps me in a good shape. I don’t actually go to the gym too often, usually only 2-3 times a week to maintain strength and work on my mobility. Instead, I do a high-intensity swimming workout for about 2 hours every day, which keeps me fit. 

Discovering Fresh Talent/ Meet Art Belenov, the 25-Year-Old Model Taking Instagram by Storm

What are your future goals in the modeling industry?

Honestly, I always had a dream to shoot an underwear campaign for Calvin Klein, DSquared or Armani. So if any of them are reading this interview, please reach out to me! (Laughs). 

Jokes aside, I want to continue building my portfolio and maybe get an opportunity to sign with an agency that will help me develop further. I love trying new things and always look for new challenges. There are so many ideas I’d love to explore as a model and so many concepts I’d like to bring to life.

Discovering Fresh Talent/ Meet Art Belenov, the 25-Year-Old Model Taking Instagram by Storm

Lastly, what’s your personal motto or philosophy?

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”–Mahatma Gandhi

Follow Talent Art Belenov @belenartik

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